Saturday, April 26, 2014

Socratic Seminar Summary

      This week at our Face to Face class we had a Socratic Seminar.  When i first read that we were going to have this, I did not know what it was all about.  I had never experienced a Socratic Seminar before.

      A Socratic Seminar is a type of discussion in which the people involve try to discuss the topic in a deeper context through dialogue rather than by memorizing information.

      There are different ways to have a Socratic Seminar.  You can have a Socratic Seminar with a Whole Group where everyone participated in a whole group discussion.

      You can have a Socratic Seminar with Concentric Circles where an inner circle and outer circle is used.  The inner circle will being their discussion while the outer circle takes notes and then the two circles are reversed.

 You can have a Socratic Seminar with a Small Group Seminar where small groups are formed for more intimate conversations.

       Or you can have a Socratic Seminar with Role-Play where the participants assume the role of the characters from the readings.

      We chose the Socratic Seminar using concentric circles.  Although our class is small, we had a group of four discuss the readings, while the second group of four listened.  As a class, we are all very friendly and talkative, so I found it difficult to not want to enter the discussion when it was not my group, as did others.  I found this to be a very interesting way to discuss readings.  We had to cite our sources as we went through and answer questions that related to the text that we had read.  This was a new opportunity for me, as I had never done this type of discussion before.  I also found it interesting that many of us were competing to speak more, and cite readings more.

      To use this in a classroom would be very fun.  I teach mathematics, so I think that I would like to see student use this to solve different types of equations.  The students could get into small groups and use the small group seminar, to discuss the ways to solve equations, or solve equations together.  This would give the students a chance to work together and learn from each other.Here is a video showing how to use this process in the classroom.  "The key to success in using this with students is patience and practice." Socratic Seminar in the Classroom

For tips on structured Socratic Seminars: Structured Socratic Seminars


  1. Amy, I would LOVE to see this in a math class. What a wonderful idea. It is difficult to teach students math 'Language." A Socratic Math group discussion would really allow for a deeper exploration and help students become more familiar with math terms, because they would be saying them...out loud...repeatedly :D

  2. Thanks for sharing the different types of Socratic Seminars and arrangements.

  3. Thanks for your clear summary of the Socratic process. I agree, it can be a challenge to not jump in during the conversation as there is so much to think about throughout the process. If you do it in your math classroom I'd be interested in learning about how you set it up and how it worked out.
    Have a great week,
