Monday, April 28, 2014

Infographic on BYOD

      After deciding on a topic, I watched a few videos to really learn about what an infographic was all about.   Since I had never made one before, I really wanted to learn about the process.  I proceeded to go to many different sites such as and  These sites did not appeal to the types of ideas I wanted to create.  I really wanted to be able to add colors and different postings to my infographic to make it eye catching.  I visited glogster where I was able to get a 30 day trial for free.  Here I was able to change text styles, colors, and backgrounds.  I was really able to make my own infographic.  I was able to start with a blank canvas and make it my own.  Many of the other infographic sites did not give you that option.  There were not many choices for backgrounds and it was difficult to follow how to change the fonts.  Glogster was very easy to use and I enjoyed making the infographic on BYOD.

   When I first began thinking about a topic for my infographic, BYOD came to my mind instantly.  This is a topic that I struggle with currently in my school. I often wonder if students walking around with headphones, listening to music, was worth all of the hustle and bustle that we went through so that we could gain the technology that we want. When is BYOD a good thing?

     When I created my first draft, there was so much information on BYOD, I wanted to put everything onto the infographic.  I then realized, I had way too much information and the infographic had too much going on.   I got dizzy looking at it.  After some great suggestions from my colleagues, I was able to dial down on my infographic and explain myself much better.  I think the final product came out much neater and with a better readability factor.

I hope you all enjoy my new and improved infographic on BYOD.

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