Saturday, April 12, 2014

Designing Technology Embedded Lessons

During this past week, I have acted as a technology leader in a school. As the technology leader, I was to take a lesson and make recommendations to the teacher so that the technology and the standards came together. I approached this by recreating the lesson in a different format and attached the original lesson for review. To help with my experience, I asked classmates to give feedback regarding me lesson recommendations.
We were to use Ruben R. Puentedura's SAMR Model as a guide to integrating technology into our lesson plans. The SAMR has four levels of integration: redefinition, modification, augmentation, and substitution. This is shown in the image below:

As I made recommendations to the lesson plan, I tried to imagine the SAMR model. The original lesson used technology at the augmentation and madification level. The students did not have access to enough computers and were forced to shared technology. They were also creating presentations using only one type of presentation.

When I added changes to the lesson, added new ideas to bring the lesson to the Modification level. The students would be using Khan Academy and MathPlay to practice using integers. From this students would create presentations explaining the properties of integers using a multitude of ways such as: Animoto, Prezi, Schooltube, and Google Presentations. This gave the students options to create presentation is a way that was comfortable for them.

As I went through my lesson and others, it was interesting to see that myself and another math teacher had worked on the same lesson without realizing. We were able to make comments and recommendations to each other. We also had worked on these lessons differently. While I re-created a new lesson, she had annotated the previous lesson with recommendations. It was interesting to se various ways of re-creating the same lesson. With the help of other classmates, yo can really gain a sense of how to incorporate technology changes into lessons
A link to my Technology Embedded Lesson, the original lesson, and comments can be found here: 

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