Thursday, April 3, 2014

ED 7724-An Introduction to Me

      As another new trimester begins, I find myself in that new place where I am biting my nails and really wondering where this trimester will go.  I had really begun to find my "groove" in the last trimester, and now I have to begin again!

      I am Amy (as many already know).  I teach at Maloney High School in Meriden, CT.  I am an Algebra 1 and Geometry teacher there.  I am on the ninth grade team at our school, which means that our students predominately have the same math, science, history, and English teachers.  I say this in a way that we hope it were true, but unfortunately, it is not always the case, and many of our students have two or three of the team teachers and are shuffled about on other teams in the school.  It can get very confusing and frustrating.  I have been teaching at Maloney for the past 7 1/2 years, the first 1/2 year, I was there completing my student teaching.  Although I was not always part of the ninth grade team, I do enjoy it and hope that some day I can find a way to incorporate an exciting technology to increase the excitement in my classroom.

      I have tried to use technologies in my classroom, but it is very difficult.  With the new "Bring Your Own Device" plan that has gone through in my district this year, I thought that I would be able to do a lot of different things with my students.  However, this has become more of a challenge than anything.  With the new BYOD initiative:

  • Not all students have a device of their own
  • When they do have a device they do not understand that it is under the discretion of the teacher
  •  Students feel it is a right not a privilege

      I am really looking forward to finding new technologies that students would like to use in class.  I have a SMARTBOARD in my classroom, but some of the students are not interested in what that has to offer.  I am looking forward to learning how to adapt the technologies into my teaching.

Questions on Syllabus:

The syllabus states that we will be having Face-to-Face classes weekly.  When will those be?
For Discussion Directors, when will we be choosing our weeks?
For the case study, what type of classroom will we need to observe?

1 comment:

  1. I remember my days of teaching Algebra I and Geometry. Those were some of my most challenging and, simultaneously, most rewarding days. I would bet the same is true for you, Amy.

    The issue of BYOD is a tricky, if not treacherous, pursuit. It raises all kinds of questions relating to access, privilege, equity, classroom/instructional implications, etc. – questions with which the field continues to grapple. The debate around this policy is certainly not over and its impact far from conclusive. I welcome an extension of that debate in these spaces.

    On a final (and different) note, EDUC 7724 is being offered solely as an online course. There is no planned F2F session.
