Sunday, March 9, 2014

Revised Distance Learning Medium-Using Twitter in the Classroom

     Eight weeks ago, we were required to record a video about a tool that we used and explain how it could be utilized in the classroom.  I decided to try to explain twitter since we were utilizing it so much this trimester anyway.  It took a lot out of me to record the video for that first assignment.  I tried using Google Hangouts, which led me to a great video but a cracked voice.  I then tried an app on my IPAD called explain everything which then gave me great voice, but awful video.  Thankfully, my professors felt my frustration and we had a second chance to fix our presentations.

     I knew that this was coming up, so I was sure to email Ian with my frustrations.  I was sure that my chromebook was not going to work for me, and I was not sure of any other apps that would work on my IPAD.  I have a desktop computer at home, but it is very old and runs very slowly.  I have realized the only time that it runs at a decent rate it when I use Google Chrome to use the internet.  Ian suggested downloading screencast-o-matic and recording on my desktop.  My computer is so old, I didn't even have speakers!!  I ventured out and got a microphone, knowing that I may need it again for another class.

     As I began using screencast-o-matic, the browser kept freezing and I could not get the websites to work.  I tried with internet explorer and I tried with Google Chrome  I was so frustrated again!  But I remembered an email that Ian had sent me.  He had suggested a screen capture program called SnagIt that worked through Chrome.  I decided to download the trial version.  Once it finished, I began recording.  I messed up a few times and had to get myself situated but eventually, I prevailed.

     So I give you......the new and improved video:

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