This week's reading's fell on a perfect week for me. Today is Pi Day and as a Math teacher, we tend to celebrate Pi Day all week long. With the subject of curation, I really got into the idea of how I portrayed my students' work, how they portrayed their own work, and how others would view their work. When students realize that others will view their work, they often put more effort into the process. Many times I have thought of hanging student work around the room, such as quizzes or tests with high grades, but I often do not get the time. I have used exceptional projects from previous years to show as examples, but I have never thought of ways to present them for others in the school to see them. The last time I had to use projects to show student work was when NEASC came to my school!!
However, there is a program in my district that allows teachers to send in exemplar lesson plans that includes student work. They are then awarded by the Board of Education and complemented for their job well done. If there was a way for student work to be show at some type of showcase, like they do for Art classes, I think this would be great for the students, parents and teachers. It would give teachers a chance to show what they are doing in class, parents a chance to see what s happening in class, and students that self motivation to continue to do well in class.
I also found it really appealing that some of the readings this week took the two courses that we are enrolled in and sort of weaved them together. The readings gave an inside look at students becoming more globally aware of their work. When work is posted online, students realize that many others in the world can view their ideas. Therefore, they put a lot more effort into their assignments and take more time to create a detailed and exciting project.
To see more, please view my storify:
Storify-Global Learning and Student Work Curation
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