I really thought that this topic was going to be more directly related to social media, but I was very wrong. When i started to research the website, I realized that change.org, was a petition site that was used for people to gain access to the world. It was used to get others to agree with "your side" of the situation and then it was sent to the company or even the government for review. I never realized that petitions had made such a huge jump. I remember petitions as something simple that you sign on paper. This site has take petitions to a whole new level and brought it across the world. I was impressed! They did use social media to bring people together as well. They broadcast their petitions on twitter and facebook. Others use their social media sites to send their petitions out, even if they are not part of change.org. Social Media has brought about a great way to connect with others in different countries to broadcast your ideas and topics.
I urge you all to visit their site at www.change.org if you have not yet done so and visit the different petitions that they have. It does not take a lot of time to view the petitions and it takes no time to sign a petition and get involved. We all have views on different issues and at change.org, we can make a difference.
As my classmates shared their comments with me, many of them went to the site to see what it was all about. A few had even signed petitions!! Many of my classmates agreed that this is a very interesting subject to use in the classroom. It would give students the chance to "Be an element of change" as classmate Elizabeth Ferry stated. Many of my classmates were interested in how to go about investigating the topics and the petitions and I thought that was really great. It was nice that they had a lot of questions about the topic.
I also enjoyed watching my classmates micro-talks. Learning about the different resources that are available really opens up your mind. You never realize what is out there until someone tells you about it. Hearing about all of these different opportunities is exciting. It gives teachers chances to travel and use new programs at discounted rates or even for free. Many educators are not aware of all of these resources that are out here for us to use.
Amy, I'd actually first heard of change.org on a news piece. I think it was connected to the KONY issue (many of our students got involved in it), but I didn't realize how much more the site had become. Thank you for doing the research and sharing your impressions!
ReplyDeleteDo you think you may use the idea of a micro-talk in your own work assignment? How may it work with math students?