Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Week 6: Cloud Based Learning

      As I read through much of the reading for this week, I felt very different.  All this time we have been learning about keeping all of our work in the cloud, but here we are talking about how the cloud can be so risky.  I definitely see the risks with students, and I am uneasy about introducing it to high school students (depending on how they may treat it).

      This year we introduced the new BYOD initiative into our district.  I was excited at first, considering I was taking all of these technology courses I thought "Wow, I can really use this to benefit my students!".  Unfortunately, BYOD to teachers and BYOD to students tends to mean very different things.  Students have trouble putting the devices away in class when we are not using them.  They have to check texts constantly or be on facebook, twitter, intsagram, or the newest social media.  They do not understand the consequences of putting information on the internet.  We have had speakers come to our school, but still, students are constantly on the internet posting selfies.  What can we do to help them understand that what goes in the cloud stays there forever, good or bad?

      In my storify, I speak to cloud based learning and some advantages as well as the disadvantages.  I also tied this into student internships.  Cloud based learning is so versatile, it can be used for internships as well as personal learning experiences.

Here is my Storify, hope you enjoy:
Cloud Based Learning Storify

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