Saturday, February 1, 2014

ED 722- Week 5 - The Cognitive Impact of Online Learning

While reading the assignments this week and viewing the videos, I shocked to find out much of the information could be transferred into my teaching.  Many of the articles that I read really expressed how the curriculum in many schools is changing because of the new 21st century goals that have been set forth.  This was something that I found very interesting.  I also read about how we should not be teaching these students information for them to spit back at use, but things that they can process and use in real life situations.

Once article that I really enjoyed reading was about learning styles.  I use a learning style lesson in my advisory class.  To find that many of these "learning styles" are myths, was shocking to me.  It is not actually a style that students learn from, but their interests.  If you can find something that a student is excited about, then that is how we can gain their interest.

With that being said, here is my storify for the week:

Cognitive Impact of Online Learning Storify

As Grant Wiggins stated in his video, "You can be a bad teacher with a good plan.  You have to be ready for those teachable moments."

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