Friday, February 14, 2014

ED 722 Week 7-Student Voice

      As I walked into my professional development on February 6, 2014, I saw two of my colleagues up in front with a large screen behind them that said Student Voice.  As I found my department and picked up the information, I began browsing through and said to myself, this would be something really interesting to talk about in class.  To my surprise, it was the topic for the DLMOOC in the following week.

      In my PD, we were all asked to define student voice.  Many of us were unsure of what we thought student voice was supposed to be.  Was it choice?  Was it being a part of the process?  After reading the assignments this week and watching the videos, I feel as though I have a better understanding of what student voice might be all about.

I found Dave Burgess' talk to be interesting.  He talked a lot about teaching students in a way that they would find interesting.  You want to draw students in by what they are into.  Some might think that this would take a lot of time to plan out, but it is not.  He tries to bring out the creativity of the students which is something I know I try to do at a few points in my classes.  I want to try to do this more often because many of the students are artistic and creative and this brings out a whole new set of interests with them.

All in all, I believe it is important for students to have a voice in the classroom and I really enjoyed learning some new information about it this week.

Here is a link to my storify:
Week 7-Storify- Student Voice

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