Friday, January 3, 2014

An Introduction to's more random than anything

I always enjoy those random messages that get sent through social media that ask friends for different numbers and they have to come up with that many random facts about themselves.  I also like answering weird questions, it always seems interesting to me.  So for the random facts about me, I am very happy to oblige. 
1.  I was born on the absolute possible last day of the year (December 31st).  Also the worst day to go out, therefore I find myself staying most years.
2.  I have owned three houses in the past 5 years.  I am done moving....I swear!
3. I was class president in high school my sophomore, junior, and senior years.  This is why I enjoy being class advisor at my school.
4.  I lost my mother when I was 24 years old.  Three years later when I was 27, I lost my father.
5.  I thought by the time I was my age I would be married with children, instead, I keep going to school.  
6. I have a dog Molly who is the size of a cat.  She thinks she is the size of a lion.
7. I had been to Italy and Spain all before I graduated college.
8. I enjoy taking classes online, but I am still old school in the fact that I need to print some things out to hold them in my hands.
9. I have a deep obsession with using coupons.  I think it annoys others.  I have a binder that holds them all!
10.  One day I hope to be able to share everything I have learned with others.
11.  I have the worst memory ever, sometimes I forget what I did the day before.
  1. What is the best vacation you’ve ever taken?  I went on a cruise to the Bahamas.  First time on a cruise and it was amazing!!!
  2. Where are you right now?  Right now I am sitting in my kitchen listening to the sound of my is really loud!!
  3. Can you play a musical instrument?  I actually played the clarinet in my high school marching band!
  4. How long did it take you to get to work today?  No work today...SNOW DAY!
  5. What advice do you have on love? Don't look for it, sometimes it just shows up when you least expect it.
  6. What are 3 things that matter to you? Education, Family, and Friends
  7. If you could sit with any 5 people dead or alive around your dinner table who would you choose and why?  I only need 2, my mom and dad
  8. How do you want to be remembered?  For being me and no one else.

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