Friday, December 6, 2013

Final Digital Learning Hub Reflection

      Creating a website is certainly a difficult process.  I can surely say that my digital learning hub is still a work in progress.  I wish I knew how to make that caution tape going across the screen that said : "Under Construction".  I honestly do not know if I will ever be happy with my website.

      My school does provide websites to teachers, but they did not give teachers any training on how to set the sites up. I was able to place what I taught and my name on the site and that was all.  Therefore, I really do not use the site for much.

      I had a lot of trouble getting some parts where I wanted them onto my website.  I really wanted a link on the side that would lead to a page where I could then place different lesson plans.  I tried to do this multiple times, but I am not very tech-savvy at website making yet and need some assistance at this.  I was able to get the lesson plan on the site, but not in the way that I wanted.

My unit plan can be found on my website:  There is a link called Geometry Unit Plan-Parallel Lines on the left side that will send you to the unit plan.

My hope for my website is that it can be used for parents, students, and teachers. Parents can use it for resources for their children. Students can use it for announcements, homework, and links to websites. Teachers can use it for lesson plans and other resources. I have provided links to my school's website as well as the power school site which is the grading system we use at the school. I have also provided some useful links for students such as homework help and I want my website to be a place that students can go when they are confused and it will be a worthwhile place.

I hope to try to implement the use of mt website for next school year. I do not think it is ready for this year. I want to keep adding things as I go on and with some help, I think I can get my website to a place that I will be happy with.

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