Thursday, November 7, 2013

Reflection of Open Mic #3-Twitteracy

     For the Open Mic #3, my group decided to look at Twitteracy.  This was a close look at Twitter, Literacy and how it related to the classroom.  I really enjoyed working with the three women in my group.  Our collaboration is amazing and we really know when to help each other.  We all took our parts and ran with them and in the end, we had a fantastic #twitteracy.  
     I liked how each person was required to answer the prompt and then turn it into a twitter post.  This may have been difficult for some and I did notice many use abbreviations to shorten their posts.  It was fun to see how people's responses and tweets were interconnected.
     When we first came up with the idea of Twitteracy, I was skeptical.  Although I have a twitter account, I must admit, I do not use it as much as I would like to.  I have co-workers who use it in school and tweet out assignments.  I really would like to get to that point, but I know that there are students in my classes that do not have their own devices and worry that it would not be fair to them.  I really hope everyone enjoyed the Open Mic as much as we did!

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