Friday, October 25, 2013

ED 7718 Reflection of Unit Plan

     I really enjoyed being able to share my plan with other teachers on Wednesday night.  Most of the time when I am planning out a lesson, I just try it out and see the after effects.  This was a nice way to see what may or may not happen before I even try the ideas out.  An even nicer piece is that one of my "critical friends" is also a mathematics teacher so she could give me some real insight on what I might get from the students.

     My group was very kind about giving me ideas of what was missing from my lesson.  My unit plan is to run a total of 4-5 days.  I have a rubric for the "culminating" project but they helped me see that I did not have rubrics written out for any of the other assignments.  Therefore, I plan to add these rubrics into my unit plan.

     I also was able to talk about the fact that I would like my students to blog at the end of the unit, but I am not sure that they will be able to because of the access to the blogging sites.  Therefore, I tried to see if there were any other options I could look into where the students would be able to comment on the unit.

     I did enjoy the us of "critical" friends as they helped me realize I need to be clearer in my expectations of what I am asking for.  This has helped me look at my unit plan in a different light and I plan to tweak it before I teach the unit to my students.

Geometry-Parallel Line Unit Plan

1 comment:

  1. I could see and hear the richness of the conversations on Wednesday. Teachers learn so much from each other, and I remain convinced that being together in face to face mode will always be important.
