After reading various articles and looking over different videos, I realized that most of these sources have a very similar definition for TPACK. TPACK stems from a VENN diagram (something I am very familiar with being a mathematics teacher) that is a work that supports good teacher with a full integration of technology. To see an explanation of this VENN diagram, please visit It is an intersection of content, technology, and pedagogy. Content is the subject that you focus on teaching. Pedagogy is how you teach. When content and pedagogy cross over, this how we gain effective ways to teach the subject. Technology is also part of this diagram and crosses both content and pedagogy. Content and technology cross and this is where you can relate your content to technology such as using graphing calculators in a mathematics classroom. Technology crosses pedagogy in a way to support the teaching in the classroom.
As the three overlap, this is where we see the TPACK model. TPACK stands for Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. This model identifies what teachers need to support the technological integration into their classrooms as well as teaching effectively with technology. (
TPACK is a nice way to see how technology can easily be integrated into the classroom as new and improved technologies come out. It shows how without technology in the mix, it might make for a rather shall I say, tedious class? Technology is on the rise and including this into the model shows us that technology can be integrated into all the teaching aspects
Excellent job Amy. You succinctly indicate the elements of TPACK and make it simple for the average person to understand.