My mom could hem pants. If I needed a button put back on pants, she could do that. A hole in a shirt or a pair of pants, she had that too. So where am I going with all of this?
Well, I do not know how to sew, never learned. I took sewing class in seventh grade, but nothing ever stuck. I remember coming home from work one day and feeling a draft in my pants. There was a huge hole in an area that was unseen to anyone (good thing I wore nice underpants that day!). I actually had to have a friend's grandmother fix my pants for me. It was so embarrassing! I know some of you may say, why not just have your mom do it? Well, I always wanted to have her teach me, but six years ago this August, I lost my mom to cancer, so she never got the chance to teach me.
I can not sew a button on, nor use a sewing machine (I actually gave my mothers away). So, for my Networked Learning Project, I want to teach myself to sew a button on my pants. I have way too many pairs of pants where the buttons are on their last leg. They are ready to fall off and I think that if I can fix them, I can save my pants!!
So, join me on my journey to save my wardrobe! Maybe I will even be able to learn how to fix holes and rips in pants, I guess we will just have to wait and see!!!
Thanks for sharing Amy. I appreciate the personal tone and connection that you make in your post. I wish you luck in your learning journey...and hope you capture, collect, and share everything.