Saturday, August 3, 2013

Network Learning Project-Post #3

For my network learning project, I wanted to learn how to sew on a button so that I could fix the button that was falling off on my most comfortable work pants.  I have viewed numerous videos in order to try to learn how to sew on a button, and I decided that before I jumped right in and tried to sew the button back on my pants, I should try to sew a button on a piece of fabric to see how that held.  The initial sewing went well, but when I had to go back underneath the button to make it stronger, I got the needle stuck (as you will see).  This is something I have learned and need to brush up on.  I have the initial sewing down and can get the needle through the button holes.  However, to make sure the button stays on tight, I want to create what they call a shank, by continuing underneath the button and underneath the fabric.  This is information I plan to research before I attempt my sewing on my pants.  I hope you enjoy my video as you watch me sew and then get a little upset as the needle gets stuck in the end!!  I enjoyed learning this and I am glad I practiced because this now gives me something to build on.

Some videos I watched for information:

Video CC by DraperyIdeas:

Video CC by geobeats:


  1. I have some pants you can practice on. LOL. Great job. Good documentation.

  2. You're inspiring me to try to sew on some buttons! I could use a video on how to thread a needle.
